Team Up For Women! ~ CREATIVE NETWORKING by GLOW Portfolio

Reply on Facebook for attendance

or text me at 720-988-5727.

Look forward to seeing You there 👍🦋❣

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5 Essential Steps to Creating a Lasting Hairstyle

Many times, as a 30 Year Veteran Hairstylist, I get asked “How come, I’m not able to duplicate My hair on Myself, at home, what You (Hairstylist) do at the Salon?” Well, then I go into my series of questioning about the steps or procedures My Client takes to perform his or her tasks when styling the hair. Usually what I find is that there are missing elements of how to produce such a style at home because there are missing tools and techniques.

Like many things in Life, there are building blocks to get to a final outcome.

GLOW - 2016 July article

When building a home, there is a foundation, floors, walls, ceilings and finally a roof. Without the foundation, the ceiling and roof will never happen. The same is with creating foods, putting on makeup, or hair designs. All major projects begin with a base or a single idea and then progress toward the outcome moving forward.

Hair Designs are definitely no different. There isn’t one magnificent hair style that has been created with just water alone and then left to dry. The design is in the molding of the hair into a desired shape that is “set” into place. This usually requires a type of hair product in order for the hair to be molded, polished into shape and set into place in order for the design to have lasting staying power while closing the cuticle layer of the hair shaft to give an appearance of healthy, glowing hair.

There are 5 Elements to preparing and building a Long Lasting Hair Design:

1) Priming or Preparing – Cleaning, Healing, Filling, Therapying, Rebalancing the hair

* Cleaning is obvious for Shampoo and Conditioner, however, sometimes the hair needs filling with Special Therapies to Fill the hair ends, Repair the Moisture Balance & Rebalance the Porosity in weaker areas of the hair.

Beautiful woman washing her hair in hairsalon

* Porosity is when the hair has been broken down with heat, wear & tear and some parts of the hair are highly absorbent and some parts of the hair are not as absorbent. Weaker hair will be empty of the structure (keratin, moisture, lipids). Fragile hair has open cuticle layers on the hair shaft and will be more susceptible to absorbing more chemicals feeling weak mostly at the ends (older hair) and may have a tendency to break. Therefore, keeping an even Porosity throughout the hair with moisture, lipids and protein help to strengthen and rebalance the hair with quality Restorative Products.

* Fragile broken hair cannot be fully repaired. It would be better to trim or cut any really damaged hair for the hair to have proper luster and vitality again. Traumatized hair can only be Therapied with Quality Restorative Products to Fill & Re-Balance the Damaged Hair to give an artificial visual appearance of healthiness. “Fill It Up or Cut It Off” is the Motto!

2) Styling or Molding – Shaping or Forming with Tools on Wet Hair, Types of Product Tools & Equipment Tools, Longest lasting Style.


* Styling the hair IS Molding, Shaping, Forming the hair using Professional Hair Products to take the Hair from Wet to Dry using a Round Brush, Paddle Brush, Diffusing Curl, or using Rollers with a dryer. This will close the Cuticle Down on the Hair Shaft & give the hair a smooth appearance. Once the hair is completely dry, the Hydrogen bonds in the hair have gone from Pliable to Firm and therefore, the dried style will stay maintained until washed or reactivated with moisture or water.

* The Cuticle of the Hair Shaft on each strand of hair is similar to the shingles on a roof. The cuticle layer (shingle) points downward on each strand laying on top of each other from the top of the strand (newer hair) at the scalp to the bottom of the strand towards the ends (older hair).

* This Stage of HairStyling, besides giving the Hair its needed Therapy in the Priming Stage, is one of the most Important steps to creating a Beautiful Hair Style

* Air-dried hair, unless it is very short does not provide the best possible long lasting Style

3) Thermalizing or Heat Protecting – Heating with Tools to Mold, Form or Shape on dry hair.


* Flat Irons and Curling Irons as well as the Blow Dryers administer heat to the hair to help Form and Re-Structure the Shape of the hair. Thermal Protection Hair Products protect the hair shaft from persistent repetitive heat application to the hair

* Thermal Protection Hair Product Tools not only Protect the hair from Heat but will also Hold and Set the New Form/Shape/Structure into place. Many Quality Professional Hair Products will provide a Trifecta – Heat Protection, Setting in the New Shape & Provide Shine all at once

4) Texturizing or Enhancing – Creating Essence in the Design on dry hair with Product Tools to create Separation, Piecey-ness, added Shine, Movement or Pizazz.


* Texturizing or Enhancing the Newly Formed/Shaped dried hair design is not Essential, however, it provides extra Pizzazz, Vavoom, and Edginess to the hair. The Priming (Step 1), Styling (Step 2) and Thermalizing (Step 3 – if using heat) Steps are mandatory for an excellent Style

* The Texturizing Step is to take the Finished Hair Design 1 level further to make the hair appear Unique or Fashion Forward. Many Women with longer hair may avoid this step, however, many men prefer this step with Texturizing Cremes, Pomades or Tacky Products to create Polish, Control, Spikiness, Stiffness and/or Piecey-ness

5) Finishing or Finalizing – Locking in the Finished Design for lasting staying power without the hair feeling sticky or looking like a helmet.


* Finishing and Finalizing the hair is used to Lock in the Finished Hair Design

* The Hairspray is not a Professional Tool designed to be the “Be All, Do All” Hair Product. The hair in this stage is already complete and a few bursts of hairspray to hold the desired shape is all that is necessary to maintain the Hair Design throughout the Day and even throughout the week depending on how often one washes his/her hair. Many Hairsprays are humidity resistant protecting the hair from spoils of reverting to the original/natural hair texture

* Hairspray is NOT a Styling Product to be used on wet hair, NOT a Thermal Protecting Product to protect the hair from heat damage, NOT a Texturizing Product to create Piecey-ness or Separation without Stiffness. Hairspray with a few (I mean few) short bursts is what holds the touch-able style in place providing humidity resistance and shine.

Well, that’s IT! Now let’s Beautify America and do Our Hair for Ourselves & For Who Looks at Us too!

I Promise It will Cheer You Up as You bring Your Best to the World and will even get You a Sweet Compliment Now & Then! Now, Who doesn’t Love a Great Compliment?

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Westminster Hair Stylist – Part 2 – What is GLOW Portfolio?

The last blog I wrote explained what GLOW of GLOW Portfolio means to me and how the name was created.  This time I would like to finish those thoughts off by explaining how I came up with the Portfolio portion of the name.

 This all started with trying to imagine the name of the entity, and what I was trying to create.

Names are difficult.  It had to have meaning to me, and I wasn’t sure if it would be one word, two words, etc.  I had no idea.

 There is definitely something miraculous that happens at a certain time in the morning for me.

A sort of half awake half asleep phase that is a beautiful window of discovery.

I went to sleep the evening before with the initial thought on my mind.

In the morning, as I was waking up, there it was in my head.  This name GLOW Portfolio.

I pondered it for a moment, only a very short moment, because I liked it.

I enjoyed the way it sounded and also knew instantly there was a lot of room for interpretation when trying to define what GLOW Portfolio is and what it can also become.

 As I have stated before, I have been in the Beauty Industry for almost 30 years.

Wow, that sounds like a crazy long time.

In that time, I have seen many guests and clients come through many doors in various cities and also while working in three different states – Illinois, Tennessee and now Colorado.

This does not include the many cities I have visited while teaching and training other Beauty Specialists across the United States.

After, thinking about it, I realized there are only a few places “in” the US I have not visited throughout my travels – Alaska, Montana and Puerto Rico.

With all of that being recognized, what I have understood is that most people face the same things daily no matter where He or She lives.

Professions, Home Life, Social Life, Contributory Events or Community.

We all are basically doing the same things despite location, landscape or weather conditions.

Please check out Esther Honig’s experiment on different cultures’ interpretations of beauty while photoshopping her image below (click image to see results).

GLOW Blog Ester Honig

My goal for GLOW of GLOW Portfolio is to dig deep and pull out of a person that inner part that shines through everything.  Shines through circumstance, external appearance and expectations.

To find deep down what a person really desires in his or her heart of hearts and bring that to the surface.

I truly believe if a person is Living in this Divine Inner Space it comes out in everything he or she does whether working hard or playing hard.

There is a sense that this person is doing the right thing at the right time with the right people bringing about an Inner Joy and a Living in the Moment kind of Feeling.

It has taken me a long time to realize that Living in the Moment enjoying and savoring each experience is a Gift.  I get a choice every minute of how I should spend it.  An Inner Truth that I choose to listen to and as much as possible Allowing My Needs and Intentions to be met without violating or offending others.

With Tact and Polite Courtesy it really is not that difficult to say what you need to say, like it used to be.  It is actually very authentic and very honest which I believe most people can appreciate.

Part of Living one’s own Truth, though, is to discover what that really is and what it means to you.

Many folks are so busy with Life Stuff that they don’t sit down to understand or define what their life’s truth means and how to get there.

 The GLOW is in the description of what that might look like, sound like or feel like.

The Portfolio is in the mapping plan of how to make it happen.

The Portfolio is a collection of ideas, wishes, dreams, suggestions, pictures and possibilities…

…to begin a Journey to a thoughtful destination (not really a final destination, but an ever evolving place) it is important to lay down a temporary, changeable if necessary, map or guide to get onto the path and begin taking steps forward to an interesting exciting journey of self-discovery and manifesting the deeper part of the heart and soul.

This is What GLOW Portfolio is all about.  My goal is to help open the door and begin creating the map.

Who knows what can be discovered and found on this Journey and that is why it is so exciting.

Sometimes we think we know who we are, however, sometimes we don’t realize how much we have changed what we thought we knew about ourselves.

Sometimes, it is quite important to STOP, Listen and Write down without holding back our ultimate desires.

True Expression of what the possibilities could be without any limitations.

It is your Life, Your Journey, Your Dream and it’s up to You how much you want to Discover, Participate and Reveal to yourself and the world around you.

 GLOW Portfolio – The Goal to find out who you really are from the Inside Out.

It is where Internal Beauty Becomes External Gorgeous


Theresa M. Elmore

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Westminster Hair Stylist – Part 1 – What is GLOW Portfolio?

What does it mean to have a GLOW or to be GLOWing?

Does it come natural?

Is it Internal or External?

Is it a Genetically attractive body or face?

Is it Happiness?

Is it Bliss?

Is it Purpose?

Most of all, are we born with it?

And does it take work?


Wow, a lot to consider…

I believe it is all the above.

However, I believe in our lives we may have had it as an innocent unapologetic child, lost it and as an adult we try desperately to gain it back again.

This is, if we are paying attention and become aware of how we can have an Internal GLOW that shows up on the outside Externally.

What I mean by this is:

Let’s take a Mom-to-be who exudes that so called GLOW while expecting her baby.

The presumption here is that the pregnancy is not wrapped around pain or an unusual discourse of how she got to be expecting in the 1st place.

But, a mother who is excited, not sure, doesn’t know what to expect or experience, but is enlightened by the fact there is a “creating” and a “creation” that has taken place.

Mom is feeling powerful knowing that she has full responsibility to help manifest this beautiful being to a day of labor.

The progression gives her purpose about how she will manage herself and her baby at the same time while on this short journey before bringing another Being into the world.

Her excitement and expectation exudes from the inside out.

All pistons are firing as her body nourishes and protects her baby.

Her surroundings are also excited for her as well.

Family, Friends and even strangers compliment, support & await the gift!


I do believe most of us have seen what this GLOW looks like in & on another person.

However, do we nourish and recognize it within ourselves, by ourselves?

Do we anticipate GLOWing comments from others to feel good?

Or does the GLOW come from deep within us regardless of other’s words or another’s presence?


Here is another example,

The “light” GLOW of a person walking into a room with a sense of self and worth but not necessarily the most attractive or beautiful person by global standard. (Beauty is still in the eye of the beholder) Yet, something is drawing you in.

This person’s presence is inviting, warm, loving and fun


The person who has an unusual aura, maybe it is “darker”, the feeling of an uncomfortable vibe…whether a good-looking person or not… something doesn’t feel right.

There is usually a distance between this person and others.

Many times this person might potentially blame the condition of the distance on others without taking personal responsibility for the problem.

An immature internal state undeveloped or damaged… regardless of the hotness of this person, it is not warm and inviting.

Sometimes flattery or funny jokes can hide the Inner mechanics of someone.

However, eventually the truth will come out, the facade cannot be maintained over a long course of time


So now…. What am I talking about?

In a world spinning at a fast pace, a to do list quite long, with hours clicking faster than we are able to hang on to, it is very difficult to find time to cultivate the Self and nurture the Inner GLOW we ALL have as a Woman, Man or Child, so that it can be seen on the outside of us, Externally.

Living Beautifully Internally and Externally is our Birthright and brings more yummy goodness to Us.

In a realistic world, this GLOW I’m talking about is not with us 24/7.

It can be exhausting.

It’s NOT about perfection.

It is about Authenticity!

Be who You are meant to be without apology by Your own development, understanding and growth.

There is pain in this discovery and also a letting go of what cannot be controlled.

It is difficult to ask for what we want and what we need.

It is definitely a Journey

GLOWing is being truthful with yourself and others about what your life gracefully means

Many of us hear and see words and pictures over-stimulating us from every direction of how we ought to be,


WE are ALL Beautifully Unique!

Unique is not always popular but it is necessary as in our Uniqueness is our Gift to the world.



We sometimes without realizing it, work very hard to be the same and copy each other’s looks, clothes, status, body types

…losing our Uniqueness in the process.


So, How did GLOW come to me in this way?

I have been in the beauty industry over 25 years.

As a woman, I have seen many variations of beauty, which has been Wonderful!

And at the same time struggled with my own definition of what Beautiful really is.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the people I have been most drawn to are not necessarily esthetically (Externally) Beautiful, but the people I really lean into are Internally Beautiful.


While developing Your Inner GLOW from within by finding your Purpose, finding your Bliss, finding what Motivates you, finding a Cause, Creating a Dream, Fulfilling a Goal, Being Philanthropic, Spending Time quietly doing nothing – just BEING, Creating Ease, Loving Unconditionally, Finding Forgiveness, etc. seems the most worthwhile…

It is just as important to take care of the External as well.  Walk, Run, Jog, Cycle, Throw things (not at others, lol), Pull Things, Jump Up, Jump Down, Move, Wiggle, Dance, Exert, Breathe Heavy, Pump the Blood, get the bloody juices flowing,

Experience the invigorating awe of nature and your surroundings.

Many of us find it difficult to do both!  Why?

It takes awareness, diligence, resolve and a goal.

We usually lean to one side (Internal) or the other (External).

It takes an un-obsessed disciplined cognitive person to manage both sides successfully!

However, what a lovely goal 🙂

We are conflicted – which comes first?  The Beautiful Body or the Beautiful Soul?

In Becoming Our Beautiful Selves,

It takes both Internal and External worthwhile work to feel absolutely Amazing and Unstoppable.

Inner and Outer work together in tandem.

Many times what is going on Internally gets exposed on the outside visually.

Finding a balance and working on both without being excessive in either area is key.

Inner – out of control – becomes too psychological and over-analytical

External – out of control – becomes physical obsession for perfection or an unhealthy state of uncare.





I realize where I am (in this moment) as I have been concentrating on my Internal workings for some time now.

However, I must spend a good amount of time working now on my External.

Not out of ego but for good health and to create a Congruency with my Inner and my Outer together as a team to bring my Gift to the world.

It just becomes more believable, authentic and relatable maybe even duplicable for others.

Have you ever tried to go to a gym to get the unhealthiest looking person working with you?

It’s incongruent, not believable or attainable.

Also, not as Inspirational as hoped

To BE Authentic is to be your Best Truthful Self while you are Overcoming and Becoming better everyday (not perfection, just being a student of life)

A GLOW should not be over-worked it should just secrete and exude Beautifully and somewhat naturally without a goal to influence, but to just BE!

BE Uniquely Beautiful and Un-Comparable to anyone else.

Being confident in who you are and your gift to the world.


GLOW is new and a work in progress.

It is a never-ending learning experience and journey.

GLOW adapts and continues to grow and never arrives to a final destination.


Please take the time to recognize the GLOW in another person and bring it to his/her attention.

Sometimes, we don’t realize Who we are and What we have to offer until it is brought to our attention to work on and work through.

I look forward to seeing how GLOW grows.


I will explain later what “Portfolio” means

Thank you for your time and attention!


to GLOW is where

Internal Beauty Becomes External Gorgeous


…there is a world out there wanting to experience & See Your Gift!


Theresa M. Elmore

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Thought for Today


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The Beautiful Sunset – Coronado Beach

“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
-Albert Camus


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Everything we h…

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.

~Marcus Aurelius

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